The Travelling Dress 2018 in New Zealand {Auckland wedding-elopement photographer}

As promised, excited to share with you fantastic project that I took part in recently - The Travelling Dress Collective, where nine photographers from Australia and New Zealand {this is me - your Auckland based wedding-elopement photographer} come together to photograph one gorgeous dress. We had it only for 2-3 days and posted to each other, taking photos inspired by one piece of clothes. Receiving this parcel was like opening a Christmas present as you don't know what to expect inside. This dress was so gorgeous - made by Purity Lace Design. It's so amazing to see how different artists found something unique with their approach. You can look up their gorgeous work following the links: Camilla French, Francisca Jorgensen, Danielle Dobson, Peta Hood, Helen Whittle, Kristle Ricci, Melissa Brown, Julie Guertin and me, Olga Levien. See their images further.

My travelling dress project found the heroes in my beautiful couple, who funny enough fact - come over from Australia {where I send dress after the photo shoot}. Tina & Tony contacted me for pre-wedding | engagement photos, and we did a breathtaking photo shoot at Karekare Beach {New Zealand}. Halfway through the session, I shared with them a story about the Travelling Dress and couple been so kind to agree to participate and try it on. We had so much fun, dress perfectly compliment the wild New Zealand landscapes and an amazing relationship with these beautiful souls - Tina & Tony. I truly appreciate they agreed to take on this challenge and we got a fantastic result! You can find another half of their session following the link to our Blog.

Enjoy this video slideshow and highlights in the gallery:


I will share with you a photo from each photographer who participated in the project so you can get feeling how amazing to see different photographers Style and Voice, as well as creativity:

Camilla French - Travelling Dress

Camilla French 

Francisca Garreton - Travelling Dress Purity

Francisca Garreton

Danielle Dobson - Purity Travelling Dress

Danielle Dobson

Peta Hood - Purity Travelling Dress

Peta Hood

Helen WHittle - Purity Travelling Dress

Helen Whittle

Julie Guertin

Julie Guertin

Kristle Ricci

Kristle Ricci

Melissa Brown.jpg

Melissa Brown


West Coast Beach New Zealand Pre-Wedding | Engagement Session: Tina and Tony {Auckland weddings photographer}

Tina & Tony come all way from Australia to New Zealand to meet Tony's family in Auckland {including his favourite grandma} and asked me, Auckland wedding photographer, to capture for them so special moments on their engagement | pre-wedding photo shoot. It was such a great pleasure documenting such emotional and true love candid moments.

Excited to receive such amazing feedback right after the gallery delivery:

"Dear Olga

Thank you so much for the amazing pre-wedding photos you took for us at Karekare. We had so much fun shooting with you and you’ve managed to capture our love for each other in such a beautiful way. Thank you for also letting me be part of the story of the travelling dress. It was 100% worth flying in from Sydney and definitely the highlight of our holiday. Throughout the whole process you have been so friendly and approachable. We love your style, enthusiasm and professionalism. Will definitely be recommending you to friends and family!

Love, Tina & Tony"

Lucky chance that exactly at our session time I received a Travelling Dress from Australia for the project, where around 10 photographers from different countries capture one dress. I can't share images with this dress at this moment, but watch this space next week, so amazing couple's moments in breathtaking and emotional photographs! Can't wait to share it with you!

Couple's love story: "Tony was raised in Auckland whereas I was born in Sydney. He moved over to Sydney for University and we were very fortunate to have met at a friend’s birthday party. After a few months we officially became a couple and have now been together for just over 3 years. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with him!" Tony proposed "In the beautiful city of Kyoto, Japan", such a beautiful memories!

Enjoy this highlights in the gallery and check this Blog next week for video slideshow and photos for Travelling Dress project!

Campbells Bay Beach Engagement | Pre-wedding photo shoot: Josh and Linda {North Auckland weddings photographer}

Excited to share with you a fresh engagement session | pre-wedding photo shoot: Josh and Linda on Campbells Bay Beach {North Shore, Auckland}. Im so excited to be couple's wedding photographer and can't wait to capture special for them moment on their weddings day.

We met at the beach at one of January afternoons and spent amazing time together walking and talking about their plans and just everything. SO much fun, positive vibe and a great feelings.

Enjoy video highlights in the slideshow and gallery!

Contact me with any questions!

Campbells Bay pre-wedding photo shoot - engagement session {North Auckland weddings photographer}
Campbells Bay engagement | pre-wedding photo shoot {North Auckland wedding photographer}

Bethells Lake {West Auckland} engagement | pre-wedding photo shoot {New Zealand weddings photographers}

Fantastic time with Kim & Nathaniel on their engagement | pre-wedding photo shoot at Bethells Lake {West Auckland, New Zealand}. We met with couple one Saturday afternoon just before the sunset not far from the beach, walk through the forest, sand dunes to the lake, had fun and laugh and then walk all the way back to the car park through the stream.

Amazing time with gorgeous people! It was a pleasure to get to know the couple before we as photographers capture their wedding {not long to go now! less than two months!}

Excited to share with you highlights in the video slideshow and a gallery!

West Auckland Beach - Karekare Falls engagement | pre-wedding session {New Zealand weddings photographers} Kimberly and Mark

Beautiful time with amazing people - Kimberly & Mark on their pre-wedding | engagement photo shoot on Karekare Beach with Falls, one of the most gorgeous and secluded West Auckland, New Zealand beaches. Its such a pleasure for me as wedding photographer capture so unique for couple moments on this breathtaking engagement session location.

Interesting fact - Kimberly made her way from Oklahoma {USA} to New Zealand to meet the love of her life Mark. I'm so excited about couples upcoming wedding in the USA in September!

Kimberly shared couple's love story: "Mark was the first person I had ever met that I immediately felt that I could be all of me in front of. We were best friends the day we met, I can talk to him about anything. When people say you know when you know, that is literally how i felt. We encourage each other to grow and are stronger together. My father laughs because I had to travel across the world to find "The One" but sometimes that's what love takes, I absolutely adore him and believe there was some other higher power or energy that brought us together and I couldn't be more thankful!"

Proposal story just amazing: "First of all Mark asked my Father for my hand in marriage (he is super traditional) and Mark knew it meant a lot to me. So he had asked my dad several days before he asked me. So my dad kept asking my mom, Has she said anything? (which I knew nothing of until after). Mark and I went to a nice dinner and then were walking along the riverside in Oklahoma, I was wanting coffee and he was trying to take me to the perfect spot but me being myself dragged him to get coffee first. Finally we were walking along the river and he turned to me and made me stop walking and said, I knew you were going to be the one I married from the first time I met you, and I know that is crazy but its true. He tells me I mean the world to him and he wants me to be his wife, So he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I was crying and shaking and beyond excited! We went home and told my mom and dad soon after and were going to wait to announce it to the social media world, but my dad was way to excited and kinda announced it for us. which in the end was perfect." This so hear warming story about beautiful souls!

Enjoy our session highlights in video slideshow and gallery, contact me with any questions!

Waihi Beach pre-wedding | engagement session {Waikato - Auckland NZ weddings photographer} Rochelle and Matt

Excited to share with you a highlights from Rochelle & Matt's pre-wedding | engagement session on Waihi Beach {Waikato NZ} where I drove from Auckland to capture special for couple moments with their family. Can't wait to to be their wedding photographer in Tauranga, not long to go now!

It was such a great time on the beach just before the sunset, with warm and positive emotion and lots of love. 

Couple shared their love story: "Matt and I meet 3.5 years ago through mutual friends. Matt facebook stalked me by looking through the mutual friends friends list. At this time Matt and I traveled a lot for our work, we both happened to be in Wellington at the same time and tee'd up a "date" which went really well so we tee'd up another more formal date the following weekend when we were back in Auckland. he took me to a really romantic French Restaurant, I had an allergic reaction to either the Lesgargot or the french dessert wine and he had to take me home really early.... Luckily my sneezy puffy face with crying eyes didn't scare him away.... and the rest is happily ever togetherness and foreverness history xxxx". The proposal: " Poor Matt tried to Propose many many times, apparently the ring had been out with us many times whilst Paddleboarding, hiking and out on dinner dates, Fiji, and another promise type ring in Noosa. Eventually he managed to pull it off during one of our hikes."

Enjoy these highlights in video slideshow and a gallery!

couple engagement pre-wedding hug at sunset beach hills with sun flare | Auckland wedding photographers
bride and groom walking on the beach - candid natural moment | Tauranga wedding photographer

Auckland pre-wedding | engagement session - Anita and Jay {New Zealand wedding photographer} Parnell Rose Garden

We met with Anita and Jay on Sunday afternoon, it was a chance of rain, and we got it, but still manage to enjoy our session - engagement photo shoot in Parnell Rose Garden {Auckland, New Zealand}. I so excited about this pre-wedding session and can't wait to be their wedding photographer just in one month time! Not long to go now!

Engagement sessions always a great way to better know the couple and feel how we all roll, get some stunning photos, especially with make-up and hair trial and get a little bit more freedom than on the wedding day.

The couple shared their love story, how they met: "From the groom's perspective:
We first met on my first day of work where I was starting a new at the Auckland City Hospital as it's liver transplant team pharmacist. We worked in very different departments so the only time we managed to interact each other was via mutual friends or after work we'd stop and have a chat with each other before going home. 
It was before Christmas in 2016 that we were invited by mutual friends out for a kayak trip out at Puhoi. I had thought about asking her out before this but wasn't quite sure of the circumstances, so this kayak trip was an excellent opportunity to get to know each other better ... And here we are... "

How was proposed: "Full story: I had already thought of three occasions to propose that was already in our calender, Waiheke for her birthday, June where we would be visiting the Franz Josef Glaciers and August where we would be going to Wellington. 
I had hinted it would be June with the glaciers as we would be taking a helicopter up and so it would be an exceptional occasion but little did she know I was thinking of the soonest date possible straight after her birthday on Waiheke. 
We arrived in Waiheke when the weather was less than ideal; I had booked us to stay at the Oyster Inn, one of Anita's favourite places on the island. We started the day by having a small picnic by the beach, I would have done it then, but the wind was just too much, and I would have had to shout my lungs out and she probably still won't hear, and I might not even be able to her answer... so that was a no. We went back to the inn and had a bit of tea, I also had brought bottle of our favourite champagne (Perrier Joet, even at our wedding) to have possibly after I have proposed, but Anita suggested we have this with dinner, so I thought okay well I guess I'd have to do it before dinner. Now coming back to after our picnic, we had a bit of tea at the inn and then retired to our room, I just felt it was the right time, we were alone, private and I decided to get on my knees and asked her to marry me there and then in the room and of course she said yes. Now we get to enjoy the other two activities I had set up earlier. " Such a beautiful memories!

Enjoy these highlights in the gallery!

Best of 2017 | New Zealand Wedding photography {Auckland weddings-elopement photographers} Happy New Year

Its hard to believe one year pass so fast from the first wedding in January in Villa Maria {Auckland} to recent one at the end of December 2017 in The Moose Lodge {Rotorua, NZ}. We, Auckland based wedding photographers, travelled for weddings all around New Zealand {from Kerikeri and Russel to Queenstown and Wanaka through the Wellington} to capture real - romantic - candid documentary wedding photography, met awesome people and saw great stories happening unfold. Each wedding had an own unique atmosphere as each couple, their families and friends, and fantastic venues - locations that couple thoughtfully chose to celebrate their special day. These wedding locations | venues honestly speaks to their personalities and represent their love story.

This year brought us a lot of positive emotions, great adventures and even around ten international awards! But your warm words, what our couples | friends said about us and our work just the best! It makes us feel we on the right track, on the top of the things even if sometimes it's hard to do. We love what we do and glad you too!

Thank you so much, my amazing couples | friends for a great time together! Congratulations on your weddings and engagements! Can't wait to see what 2018 will bring, what adventures and travels we will have! I'm so grateful to meet such amazing people on my way!

We wish you to have a warm holidays and a Happy New Year! Let all your wish come true!

Enjoy these highlights - Best of 2017 in the gallery:

Good Bye 2017, Excited to see what 2018 will bring!



Pre-wedding | engagement session on Piha beach {West Auckland weddings photographer}

Excited to share with you amazing moments from Silvia & Chris's engagement pre-wedding session on Piha Beach {Auckland, West Coast of New Zealand}. I am so delighted to be their wedding photographer next year, not long to go now! Can't wait till couple's wedding!

We met on the gorgeous seaside, surrounded by rocks and mountains. It was such a great time, just walk and talk, discuss couple's story, wedding plans and relationship. It was a fantastic time, full of fun, love and positive vibe. I will always remember Chris's trick with jandals - intend carrying them in the hands while we were walking from one location to another {so they not in the frame while we walking bear feet} he just threw them in the air and needed to mention they fly far. Can't wait to see what else going to happen on their wedding day {ready for any surprises ;).

{Love story: Couple met when they were 17 through a mutual friend and fell in love from then on. They love to do together - "Everything, we consider ourselves best friends as well as a couple. We love travelling, we have been to 22 countries together, we love being outdoors but also like watching movies and relaxing with friends." Such a romantic relationship!

Congratulations on your engagement!}

Enjoy our pre-wedding session highlights in video slideshow and photo gallery!

Raglan Beach pre-wedding engagement photo shoot {Auckland - Waikato wedding photographer}

So excited to share with you highlights of Jenna & Brodie breathtaking engagement session on Raglan Beach {Waikato, not far from Auckland, New Zealand}, it's such an honour for me, wedding photographer to capture such a special for couple moments on heir pre-wedding photo shoot!

We just walk and talk before the sunset; couple shared their beautiful and romantic story:

"We met February 2015 at work. Jenna a brand new police officer and Brodie had been on the street working as a police officer for a few months already. We were in the same section and worked together as partners in the police car together. After several months of being colleagues and becoming good friends, we fell in love. It has been two years since." The proposal was made in just unbelievable location: "On the top of Machu Picchu mountain overlooking Machu Picchu ruins."

It was a real pleasure to spend such a fantastic time with this gorgeous, romantic, emotional and crazy-in-love couple!

Raglan Beach pre-wedding engagement photo shoot {Auckland wedding photographer

Contact me with any questions!



West Coast Beach Engagement Session {Auckland wedding photographers} Jackie and Matt

Jackie & Matt

Fantastic time with Jackie and Matt on their engagement session on beautiful Auckland West Coast Beach and Karekare Falls. It is just a gorgeous couple of beautiful souls. It was a real pleasure for me, an Auckland wedding photographer to capture so unique for couple moments on their pre-wedding photo shoot.

Couples love story started on the beach. Jackie shared their sweet memories: "We met through a friend on the beach, we've been together ever since that day! " Proposal was made "In Gum Boots after he was finishing chopping up wood, he said a little speech, got down on one knee and pulled out a ring. " Such a great and romantic story!

Enjoy these video slideshow highlights and gallery!

Engagement couples candid moment {Auckland wedding photographer}
Karekare Falls pre-wedding photo shoot {Auckland weddings photographers}

Contact me with any questions!


Karekare Falls engagement photo shoot {West Auckland wedding photographer} Alexandra and James

Alexandra & James

We had a terrific time with Alexandra & James on their pre-wedding engagement photo shoot at Karekare Falls next to the beach {West Auckland, New Zealand}. This couple was just amazing, brave, adventurous, ready to walk and talk under the rain and capture some stunning photographs, such a dream for any wedding photographer! Can't wait till their wedding in December in Matakana! Not long to go now!

The couple shared their love story: "We first met at Chapel Bar on Ponsonby Road on Sunday, 10th November 2013. I saw James from across the room and said: "I am going to marry that guy." When we first met, it was a world wind love affair. We spent ten days together before James flew around the world to work in the Caribbean for three months. I waited for him, and it was the best decision I ever made. He then quit his job and moved back to NZ full-time."

The proposal has been so beautiful and romantic: "It was a Monday. We went for a walk after work, and we were just chatting as normal until James suggested a change in our usual route. He took me down to Herne Bay Wharf which is somewhere very special to him. We walked down and stood to gaze out at the water taking in the beautiful view. After a couple of minutes, I noticed that James was acting a little strange and asked him what was wrong - at that moment he looked at me, and I just knew what was about to happen. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. Of course, I said yes." It is such a unique story!

Excited to share with you highlights of their engagement pre-wedding photo shoot on Karekare Falls {West Auckland, New Zealand}, enjoy this video slideshow and gallery:

couple hug romantic moment at Karekare falls {West Auckland wedding photographers}
couple standing in the water - lake at Karekare Falls {wedding photographer in West Auckland}

Romantic engagement in Lemonade & Lenses {Auckland wedding photographer}

Excited to share with you fantastic news - Dahlia & Ibrahim romantic engagement session in Mangawhai Heads Beach just been published in Lemonade and Lenses! Its such a significant honour for me as a wedding photographer to showcase couples photos in such prestigious international publisher.

This session was truly wonderful and unforgettable. Thank you so much, Dahlia & Ibrahim for this amazing time together! Congratulations on your engagement and happy wedding planning!

Enjoy highlights of our pre-wedding photo shoot in Lemonade and Lenses and have a look at more images from couples session in our recent Blog publication!

Contact me with any questions!

Couples photo shoot in Auckland Domain {New Zealand wedding photographers}

SO excited to share with you a few images from my recent couples photo shoot in Auckland Domain. Danielle & Alex was just wonderful, our session was full of fun and romantic atmosphere.

Thank you so much to this amazing couple coming for this shoot for my educational project for modern photographers. I appreciate your time!

Enjoy this highlights of our mini-session!

Contact me with any questions!

Auckland Domain engagement session {New Zealand wedding photographer}

Excited to share with you a few images from Andrea & Jason's engagement session in Auckland Domain {New Zealand}. It was a great pleasure for me to photograph this beautiful and romantic couple for my educational project with filming how I shoot.

So excited about these highlights!

Congratulations on your engagement, Andrea & Jason! So excited about your wedding in Queenstown next year, you chose amazing photographer to document your wedding day! 

Contact me with any questions!


Mangawhai Heads Beach Engagement Session {Auckland NZ wedding photographers} Dahlia and Ibrahim

Dahlia & Ibrahim

We had a fantastic engagement session with Dahlia & Ibrahim on Mangawhai Heads beach just before the sunset. It was my first time traveling to this amazing location, I'm as an Auckland wedding photographer shot weddings and engagements in so many places in New Zealand, but on this beach yet, so it was a great pleasure to explore a new stunning pre-wedding location. 

The couple shared their love story and how was made a proposal:

"We met 7 years ago through my cousin who came to visit me in my architecture studio and I showed him around. We've been friends ever since then but never quite thought the other would be interested in the other. A year and a half ago we started rock climbing together and we started going every week and became in separable in between sessions. So we have a foundation of the best of friendships. ", said Dahlia.

"On one of our first dates we went on a hike in the Waitakere ranges, what started off as a 3 hour hike turned into a 7 hour hike after getting lost. It was cold and the track was muddy and slippery and messy. We ran and climbed and swam in ponds all the way back (boot camp style) because the sun was going down. But it was the funniest, most memorable experience so the Zion hill trek was really special for us and that's where he proposed. Waiting at the top of the mountain for me as my friend and I hiked up and she disappeared behind me as we got to the look out. It was super romantic and beautiful. " The story sounds so special and romantic!

We had fantastic time with couple exploring the seaside, climbing rocks and walking and chatting.

Enjoy this video slideshow and gallery highlights!

Contact me with any questions!


Auckland Botanic Gardens Engagement Session - Spring Cherry Blossom {Waikato wedding photographer} sneak peek

I'm so excited to share with you an engagement session sneak peek with Megan & Daniel; photo shoot took place in Auckland Botanic Gardens, right at the spring season cherry blossom tree. It was a great pleasure for me, Waikato wedding photographer to take some unique, natural, candid and emotional photos for this gorgeous couple.

We met with bride and groom at the Botanic Gardens right before the sunset and walked around and talk about their engagement and upcoming wedding. It was a great experience and photos turned just amazing. Can't wait to move through their entire session's gallery! More pictures are coming soon on our Blog.

Congratulations on your engagement, Megan & Daniel!

Enjoy this sneak peek highlights!

Karaka in-home Engagement Party {Auckland wedding photographer} Vanisha & Jason

Vanisha & Jason

It was a real pleasure to have met such an extraordinary couple!  Both their families and friends also, at their beautiful in-home engagement party in the couple's new house in Karaka, Auckland.  The engagement party came together with their housewarming event. 

It is always a big honour for me, as the photographer, to capture the bride and groom's story right from the beginning, following through the pre-wedding photo shoot and then to capture unique moments for them on their wedding day.

This party was just fantastic, full of warm and cozy atmosphere, laughter and special moments.

Enjoy these video highlights and peek in the event gallery.

Contact me with any questions!

Bride's Dress: Hanellei

Photographer: Olga at Levien & Lens photography - New Zealand {Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty} wedding photographers


Redwood Forest - Lake Rotorua pre-wedding photo shoot {Bay of Plenty weddings photographers}

I am so happy to share with you today a beautiful pre-wedding | engagement session with Elizabeth & Tony in Redwood Forest and Lake Rotorua {Bay of Plenty, New Zealand}.  Even more excited now about couple's upcoming wedding in Black Barn on Lake Tarawera, such a great honor to be their wedding photographers!

We started our engagement photo shoot in the dark forest, walking among tall trees to talk about little details, couple's story and other moments and then on to Rotorua city, lake side, with geysers nearby.  Liz shared some details about their relationship:

" We have been together for nine years; we met when we were teenagers through mutual friends, and our paths crossed 2 or 3 times before we started dating. We are both from Tauranga, so it was great having so many friends who now got to know each other because of their connection to us and each other".  

Fantastic proposal story:

"He proposed at home!!  We have a cat called wolf which means everything to us, so he wanted Wolf to be there for the proposal.  Tony also knows I don't like too much attention in a crowd, so he wanted it to be private so that I could react naturally.  He hung an envelope of the front door which has the letters Y E S N O, and when I opened the door, he was holding a sign which the letters were designed to fit into.  He had arranged Champagne and booked a car to come pick us up and take us to a special dinner.  Greatest night!"

Sounds like unforgettable memories!

Enjoy this video highlights and gallery!

{Makeup: Final Touch Artistry NZ

Contact me with any questions!


Auckland West Coast Beach Photo Shoot in How He Asked {New Zealand wedding photographers}

Fantastic news coming from overseas: breathtaking Auckland West Coast Beach photo shoot with Katrina & Marc {on Bethells Beach} just been published in How He Asked by The Knot.

Our engagement session took place on the beautiful open space black sand beach near Waitakere Ranges in West Auckland, not far from Kumeu. We met with a couple just before the sunset and spent amazing time together - walking in the grass, running in the waves, climbing on the rocks and walking into the cave. Unforgettable memories!

Enjoy such a respected publication and take a look at more images in our Blog!

How he Asked by The Knot Katrina & Marc

How he Asked by The Knot Katrina & Marc

Contact me with any questions!