Kids Portraits. Photography tips. Auckland family photographer

You want to have your kids portrait, but sometimes its really hard to get it, especially when kids so active and always move around. I have a few tips for you.

1. Catch the moment!

Try catch the moment when they in right place and right time! Its not so easy, but you can do it (just watch them playing and moving around and have your camera ready with fast shutter speed :) And when you see this special moment just made a click :) Better few in continuous mode for be sure you get it right :)



2. Create this special moment

Take kids attention -

smile to them and they smile in answer,



talk to them and take their attention, ask some question - where the bird? and sure they interested look at window or tree and show you the bird,

made silly faces, jokes - made them have fun and laugh.

ask them to make serious face - and you get the most funniest faces ever!

made something interesting for them - flash works good with kids, its a magic for them, so make this magic around and they will be happy repeat this moment, also you can took their attention with mobile phone or computer (and get more light from screen :)!

play with them - made for kids interesting task - jump as high as they could, run as fast as they can, made a secret, choose one person in family and jump in the hug, draw something, made mess (they love it!) etc. I use a lot of games and play moments during photoshoot and its always work well with kids, they just having fun and show their personality :)

3. Look for light - be sure your kids face in good light (without hot spots) and eyes had some catchlights, its looks really good. Half face could be in shade (if light goes from the side like window light) and its made more dramatic look (especially with black and white conversation).

4. Keep kids eyes in focus - be sure your focus right, check on eyes if they clear to see without blur.

5. Play with aperture - you could make blurry background with small aperture, just be sure your kid far from background (otherwise its will be same clear like kids face).

6. Watch the composition! - try get it right, so picture take attention (you could use rule of thirds, repetition, lines moving to subject, colour attention, isolation, using negative space etc. - its a lot of things to count but the main thing - picture just need looks right for you, all in harmony!

7. Just enjoy the process and have fun! Only if you relax kids relaxing and having fun too, be sure you made for them interesting environment and they even not put attention on camera. 

ice cream

It will be great results!

Moving subjects. How to take shots. Tips. Sport photographer Auckland


Here we start our series with tips 'How to take best shot (picture) ..."

So moving subjects - running playing kids, dancing people, sport competition, airplanes, trained, cars etc...

Its could be a little bit tricky. But with knowing few simple tips all became easier!

1. Shutter Speed. For catch the moment, fix move you need fast shutter speed (minimum 1/250, better faster, depends of light conditions. If you want your pictures been a little more blurry with showing slow move you could make shutter speed slower (around 1/60 or so, try change and see whats happened with picture.

If lights conditions (inside) not allow you have fast shutter speed put down aperture (2, 2.8 etc) and ISO up (at some competitions I use ISO 400)

2, Continuos focusing. Great thing what modern cameras can do - focusing continuously (A-C mode in Nikon). So you focus, take a shot, keep finger on focusing button fast take another shot and you camera keep follow subject, so you not lost all these beautiful move, or fast running child :)

3. Think before. If you doing dance shot or figure skating (what i love to do), you need learn the subject, know exactly what gonna happened in next moment for take you brilliant shot. If I doing ice skating shoot I know what next - is it spey for jump, or entrance to spin, or beautiful spiral (so i not continuously taking shots, I know exactly what the best moment for show this beauty :) So think ahed, learn you subject move, and take a shot!

4. Subject fix, background blurry. That shot you can get with camera following the subject the same rhythm. So object moving, you move camera parallel to him, and then boom...shot you moment.

5. Show flow. If you want show flow water (waterfall, river, etc) or lights, or other long term moving subjects you can you really slow shutter speed - like few seconds or even more. You could practice in dark room - put camera on 10 sec shutter speed and move light on the wall (crow some picture or word, or shape_  - and camera easy fix all your artwork. You could practice near waterfall (start from few seconds shutter speed and then change and see whats happen with picture. Main advice- use tripod or stable surface, so you not get shaky hands and shaky pictures :)

Thats the main advices. If you know more, leave a comment please, or ask question!

And practice-practice-practice!!!

running child