Memories of 2021-2022 wedding-family season {West Auckland photographers}

What can be better then remember memories from 2021-2022 wedding-family season when new one is approaching shortly with so many beautiful weddings and family photo shoots. Always a pleasure to capture all these beautiful, emotional and real moments, mostly in West Auckland, for us as photographers.

It was an amazing season full love, light and laughter! <3 We had incredible time with many gorgeous couples as photo shoots and weddings, I also been running online workshops at Click Photo School, got some photography awards, and travel overseas to Germany, feeling freedom after long time in lockdowns in pandemic.

Thank you so much for this incredible time!

Winter pre-wedding session in New Zealand {Auckland engagement | wedding photographers}

Im so excited to share with you my recent winter pre-wedding session {in New Zealand this time of the year not so cold as in northern hemisphere, but still windy and chill}. So many couples doing in Auckland their engagement session before the wedding day. Its a best way to get stunning photographs, spend amazing time, get comfortable for future special day and even choose your wedding photographers.

I need to mention at least once per year Im trying to pay it forward and do engagement/wedding session giveaway {watch this space for our giveaway wedding that was just incredible}, and Laura & David won our couples photo shoot giveaway! We are so excited to spent the time with this incredible people, with beautiful souls, shining through the photographs.

Enjoy this winter pre-wedding session with Laura & David on Muriwai Beach! {the location for our next workshop creative shoot #learnlovelightlaughter in Auckland, only few days to go!}