Creativity Exercise | Auckland NZ Lifestyle family photographer

Its time for our new creativity exercise! This time we will shoot at one location, choose one subject and try to incorporate it in surrounding environment.

So make camera ready and try to shoot 5-10 shots in the same location with the same subject/subjects and try to create at least 5 different frames (angles, perspective, close or far shot, you can even use different lens for get different feeling (wide angle, portrait or tele etc.).

You can make this creativity exercise in one go or try a couple of times to get effect what you want.

For example, I shoot my daughter in the car early morning when we been in Mainly Music session, i took one shot

girl in the car

Then when we been back I seen her playing in the car and did series of shots to show how she love to sit in the car and play in it. Here is few more shot from different angles, perspective, points of view. Enjoy it and hope your will do your set of pictures with your kids.

Its a treasured moments, so its good to remember what they loved to do when they been so little :)

My pictures is not ideal, but they show the moment for me and really personal!

Follow the lines - Creativity Exercise | Photography Tips

Did you ever put attention to lines on the pictures?

They draw your attention to the main subject, leading in composition, frame and play a big role in photography.

You can see a horizontal, vertical or diagonal and also all mix of these types. 

Creativity exercise today: Follow the lines!

Try to see different types of lines around, include them in the frame and draw attention to your main subject. Its could be leading lines in composition, horizontal/vertical/diagonal lines of surrounding objects or even body lines, arms etc. Even if you not notice lines too much, they are there. Try to incorporate all other sides of photography: watch the light, colours, composition etc. and have fun with post processing, twist the colours and create a black and white images if its speaks to you!

Look at couple of shots what I did today for this creativity exercise while my kids played at playground (when else can I find time for everyday shooting and my 365 Project :)

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Creativity exercise | Capture a moment | Family lifestyle photographer | LEVIEN & LENS PHOTOGRAPHY

Its time for a new creativity exercise :)

This time we concentrate on capturing moments, emotions and details as well. So lets start:

grab a camera, make sure your settings good enough for capture a motion (at least 1/125 sec), good exposure, enough light coming through your lens (if its not enough you can make small aperture (around 1.8-2.8 depends what area you want to have in focus) and don't forget to set ISO (if its low light condition don't be afraid to bump it up) and last but not least - your white balance (you can use Kelvin - my usual settings at my house at day time around 5500 K, outside its varies depends from time of the day and could be around 6200 at usual day time and go up 7200-9500 closer to sunset, candles light give you around 2500 K). If you want to learn how to use the Kelvin settings just look at Kelvin chart and play with your settings at different lighting conditions and look at result (is it too blue or yellow).

I just slightly touched your settings because they are really important for get a clean picture what no need too much work in post-processing, so try to get it right in the camera :)

You made your camera ready for action and for your creativity exercise:

Take a set of the pictures around one event and try to capture a moment, emotions of subjects, concentrate on details and take a pictures what make a story. You can also just made a one shot which show all story in one frame. 

I show you some examples of capturing moment: last evening when my little ones been sitting on the sofa and watching TV I tried to get in frame their connection and interaction with details shots. Its a real treasure, especially when your little ones grow up so fast.

Have fun and let me know if you have any questions

Play time | Creativity exercise | Family and kids photo | LEVIEN & LENS PHOTOGRAPHY

New creativity exercise for your family images today!

Kids just love play time. Choose one activity to entertain them and use the opportunity to take a pictures while they are busy. It will be natural lifestyle images.

You can pop daddy in the frame (or nana/granddad), siblings, pets etc. and focus on different subjects, shoot details and their emotions of course. Try to change angles and shoot from all sides.

Good luck!

Talk to you soon.

Here is just quick example with few shots from the hotel where daddy and kids been playing cards on the bed (we been away from Auckland in Rotorua, I had destination lifestyle session with family at Lake Tarawera, love to travel!)

Creativity Exercise. Lifestyle Photography LEVIEN & LENS PHOTOGRAPHY

It's time for new creativity exercise for you and your kids!

Take a camera, dress kids appropriately and go explore!

Yes, today creativity exercise: to capture the exploring moments. Kids just love to go to new places, playgrounds, parks, search and explore everything around. It can be so much fun. Just have camera ready and follow them, watch around for best composition, wait when they come at this point, or create this moment with different questions (not just boring - "Can you stand there" (what of course could work :) But maybe use some playing moments ask "Looking for fairies", or "treasure" or " pirate ship" or just a new bird or animal depends what your kids love to do, what their interests are.

We with kids been exploring a new playground at far school. We drove around and found great place with few playgrounds and a secret passage, and a boat, and a playhouse. What a great place to be! Kids just love to explore everything around, and adults as well. We just followed them :)

Here is a few pictures, we all had fun!

Lifestyle moments. Creativity Exercise from LEVIEN & LENS PHOTOGRAPHY

Hello everyone. Here is a New Creativity Exercise this week for you:

Create different pictures with using one of accessories and play around with it. It could be anything what you have at home or outside (suitcase, trolley, toy, blanket, basket, and any activities what kids love to do). Choose it, place near kids (or place kids near this thing) and click the moments with lids playing with it, climbing in it, touching etc. Have fun!

I just created some pictures at last weekend morning with my kids playing on the bed around the net. I not just captured what they been doing but also moved net around to create different frames, angles and out of focus images. You just give kids the opportunity to play and they happily cooperate with you!

Heres the results of our fun morning with the net on the bed :) Sis and Bro!

(its simply showing moment picture, documentary / lifestyle moments)

Everyday Lifestyle moments. Personal Project LEVIEN & LENS PHOTOGRAPHY with creativity exercise inside

As you already know I love to shoot everyday lifestyle moments, do family storytelling and capture my kids special moments.

I did a few shots today just in one room with one activity for 5 minutes (yes, my kids really active - one moment they laying on the bed, another one - eating apple, and last one - climbing on the draws and laying on the floor). Thats how looks my life :)

Creativity exercise: Take camera and shoot your kids during 5 minutes, everything what they doing and where going. Just watch the light, your camera settings, compositions, lines, take in frame everything what you want and exclude distractive moments (watch sides and background!

And have fun!

Here is my 5-minute shooting everyday lifestyle moments with kids and family:

Lifestyle photography

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Capturing kids activities. Creativity exercise by LEVIEN & LENS PHOTOGRAPHY. Lifestyle pictures.

Capturing kids is not an easy task - they are always on the move and really active. They make you move fast, be creative and capture joyful moments in lifestyle photography.

Today I will give you creativity exercise for capturing kids activities. Lets practice and progress in photography together!

Creativity exercise: Try to capture one child's activity from different angles and sides. It makes the picture more interesting and allows attention on details. It could be anything that a child loves to do. Be creative and think outside the box - shoot from different sides, from the top, move down to child's level and shoot from the bottom, shoot wide angle or close up. See results!

Here is just few shots of my daughter playing in the park, she is really interested of big tree and branches at the top. I can't help myself and took some shots from different positions and angles. You could see variety, but clicks been done just during 1-2 minutes. And I love her impression, her curious eyes and her movement and still moments. Enjoy this lifestyle series: 

One little girl and a big tree!

Lifestyle photography

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