Im so excited to share with you recent Shoot & Share contest results {this is a truly amazing competition/awards where only audience voting for best photos}. Its such a honour for me, Auckland wedding photographer to get acknowledgement , be notices from hundred of thousands of submitted photographs.
Quick statistics:
One of my photos got 5th place from 46000 submitted in Couple/Engagement Category; 3 photos became finalists in Engagement, Lifestyle/Documentary and Travel/Landscape category; 12 photos got in top 10% in their categories and 17 photos in top 20 % in their categories. Such amazing results, a bit better then last year.
Im so grateful, thank you everyone who voted and to my awesome couple who made this results come true; also thank you to my little one, her photo got in the finalist in Documentary category.
Enjoy highlights with best photos and contact me with any questions!
5th Place - Couple/Engagement
Finalist - Couple /Engagement
Finalist - Travel / Landscape
Finalist - Lifestyle / Documentary